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We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'October 2016'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.
A newly developed condition monitoring system is proving its worth in the dairy industry.
Adopting a condition-based predictive maintenance (CBPM) strategy is widely recognised as the best way of protecting expensive plant and equipment - particular that which is required to operate 24/7 - against unexpected failure and as a means of better scheduling servicing.
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Andy Anthony, Managing Director of Monitran, explains how a bespoke vibration monitoring system developed for protecting the twin drivetrains of a hovercraft led to the launch of a versatile commercial solution.
Andy Anthony, Managing Director of Monitran, explains how vibration and temperature condition monitoring are protecting a new biomass rail load-out system.
Biomass power stations have much in common with those that burn coal and oil, in that they can quickly generate power in order to meet fluctuations in demand
Condition-based predictive maintenance (CBPM) is becoming increasingly popular within many industries as a practical and cost-effective means of protecting pumps, motors, gearboxes and other machinery. But of all parameters that might be monitored as part of a CBPM strategy vibration is arguably the most useful - advises Andy Anthony, Managing Director of Monitran.
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Ideal for use with portable and on-line vibration analysers.
Monitoring systems that can be used to measure vibration.
Switch Enclosures and Connection Enclosures.
LVDT'S are a popular transducer in industrial applications.
The latest precision-wound copper coil Proximity Sensors.
Allowing the user access to a vibration sensor for machinery.