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Monitran Sensors,
Trusted Around the World

+44 (0)1494 816569


Safeguarding the Station

Andy Anthony, Managing Director of Monitran, explains how vibration and temperature condition monitoring are protecting a new biomass rail load-out system.

Biomass power stations have much in common with those that burn coal and oil, in that they can quickly generate power in order to meet fluctuations in demand

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A feeling for what might fail

Condition-based predictive maintenance (CBPM) is becoming increasingly popular within many industries as a practical and cost-effective means of protecting pumps, motors, gearboxes and other machinery. But of all parameters that might be monitored as part of a CBPM strategy vibration is arguably the most useful - advises Andy Anthony, Managing Director of Monitran.

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Constant monitoring protects 24/7 operations

Monitoring the condition of machinery is a practical means of protecting plant and equipment against unexpected failure, and of all conditions that might be monitored vibration levels and temperatures (or rather changes in one or both) often provide the earliest indication that maintenance is necessary. Furthermore, monitoring conditions continuously not only protects plant that needs to run 24/7 but it can also be the foundation of your Condition-Based Predictive Maintenance (CBPM) strategy.

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Going the Distance

Whilst there are several ways to measure displacement, the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) remains the de facto transducer in most industrial applications. Andy Anthony, Managing Director of Monitran, discusses why the sensor type remains so popular.

As an OEM of sensors we have seen our LVDT sales figures increasing steadily during recent decades; even during economic downturns. This we can only attribute to the continued popularity of this well-established, rugged and reliable transducer technology.

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A Double Measure

Monitran launches the MTN/2285STC - a combined velocity and temperature sensor with 4-20mA range outputs for industrial monitoring applications

High Wycombe, United Kingdom – Monitran, an industry leader in the development and manufacture of sensors and condition monitoring systems has launched the MTN/2285STC.

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Monitran Product range



Ideal for use with portable and on-line vibration analysers.

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Monitoring Systems


Monitoring systems that can be used to measure vibration.

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Switch Enclosures and Connection Enclosures.

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LVDT'S are a popular transducer in industrial applications.

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The latest precision-wound copper coil Proximity Sensors.

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Allowing the user access to a vibration sensor for machinery.

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Established in 1986, Monitran remains a privately owned company, based near High Wycombe 35 miles west of London.

We manufacture in the United Kingdom and source the majority of our materials and components from selected quality-managed local and national suppliers.

Our Address

Monitor House
33 Hazlemere Road
HP10 8AD