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Eddy Current Drivers

We have a range of Eddy Current Probe Drivers which, when paired with our Eddy Current Probes, form non-contact measurement systems designed to measure either the gap between the object and the tip of the probe, or vibration within the target object.

Each driver is a sophisticated piece of technology that demodulates, amplifies, and linearizes the signal from the Eddy Current Probe. The result? An output that mirrors the precise gap between the probe and target or captures the vibration of the target itself.

The most popular pairing of probe and driver is the MTN/EP080 (probe) and MTN/ ECPD (driver). Please remember, we have seven Eddy Current Probe Drivers available to choose from. You can read more about the drivers below, and we have provided an individual fact sheet on each one that is free to download. 

There are seven different drivers available and the choice of which one to use depends on a number of factors. As we manufacture our drivers ourselves, we know the exact technical specifications of each one. If you need help to assess which driver is right fit for your Eddy Current measuring requirements, our team will be glad to help.



MTN/ECPD24VVoltage output driver suitable for conventional +24VDC power supplies.



  • Output: 0 – 16V proportional
  • Power: +24VDC
  • Probe Connection: SMC
  • Enclosure: Powder coated die-cast alloy



MTN/ECPDVoltage output driver for negative going power supply required to match other manufacturers’ controllers.



  • Output: 0 – 16V proportional to probe gap
  • Power: -24VDC
  • Probe Connection: SMC
  • Enclosure: Powder coated die-cast alloy



MTN/ECPD/78Voltage output driver suitable for conventional +24VDC power supplies. Lower output sensitivity.



  • Output: 0 – 10V proportional to probe gap
  • Power: -24VDC
  • Probe Connection: SMC
  • Enclosure: Powder coated die-cast alloy


MTN/ECPD60Current output driver for gap measurements. Range dependent on associated probe, typically 2mm gap for thrust measurements on turbine and pump shafts. Three-wire configuration.


  • Output: 4 – 20mA proportional to probe gap
  • Power: -24VDC, three-wire loop-powered
  • Probe Connection: SMC
  • Enclosure: Powder coated die-cast alloy



MTN/ECPD85Current output driver for vibration measurements. Range dependent on associated probe, typically 125micron peak-to-peak vibration for turbine and pump shafts. Three-wire configuration.


  • Output: 4 – 20mA proportional to vibration
  • Power: +24VDC, three-wire loop-powered
  • Probe Connection: SMC
  • Enclosure: Powder coated die-cast alloy



MTN/ECPD2ACCurrent output driver for gap measurements. Range dependent on associated probe, typically 2mm gap for thrust measurements on turbine and pump shafts. Loop-powered.


  • Output: 4 – 20mA proportional to probe gap
  • Power: +24VDC, two-wire
  • Probe Connection: SMC
  • Enclosure: Powder coated die-cast alloy



MTN/ECPD2DCCurrent output driver for vibration measurements. Range dependent on associated probe, typically 125micron peak-to-peak vibration for turbine and pump shafts. Loop-powered.


  • Output: 4 – 20mA proportional to vibration
  • Power: +24VDC, two-wire
  • Probe Connection: SMC
  • Enclosure: Powder coated die-cast alloy


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Monitran Product range



Ideal for use with portable and on-line vibration analysers.

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Monitoring Systems


Monitoring systems that can be used to measure vibration.

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Switch Enclosures and Connection Enclosures.

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LVDT'S are a popular transducer in industrial applications.

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The latest precision-wound copper coil Proximity Sensors.

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Allowing the user access to a vibration sensor for machinery.

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Established in 1986, Monitran remains a privately owned company, based near High Wycombe 35 miles west of London.

We manufacture in the United Kingdom and source the majority of our materials and components from selected quality-managed local and national suppliers.

Our Address

Monitor House
33 Hazlemere Road
HP10 8AD